Olympus BF-P160 Bronchoscope

The Olympus BF-P160 Bronchoscope is in excellent condition and certified to proper operating specifications.

Warranty: 90 Days Parts and Labor.

Olympus BF-P160 Bronchoscope Features:

  • Incorporates a compact, color-chip CCD (built into the scope tip) to provide high-resolution images.
  • CCD technology provides larger image size than previous models, allowing for more accurate observation.
  • Narrow 4.9 mm insertion tube outer diameter for improved insertion capability.
  • The BF-P160 is interchangeable with an EVIS EXERA Gastrointestinal endoscope because the CV-160 Video System Center is designed to accomodate either type of scope.
  • Bending section angulation range of 180°.