Olympus GIF-H180 EVIS EXERA II Gastroscope

The Olympus GIF-H180 EVIS EXERA II Gastroscope (H: high definition) is in excellent condition and certified to factory specifications.

Warranty: 90 Days Parts and Labor.

The EVIS EXERA II GIF-H180 Gastroscope delivers the best possible HDTV image quality. With resolution that far exceeds conventional video and the addition of Narrow Band Imaging, the GIF-H180 enables enhanced observation of capillaries and mucosal tissue.

Olympus GIF-H180 EVIS EXERA II Gastroscope Benefits:

  • Superior Image Quality and Observation: An HDTV-compatible CCD chip delivers sharp images to help physicians provide accurate screening and diagnosis, and a close focus optical system allows detailed observation without electronic magnification.
  • Narrow Band Imaging: NBI capabilities enhance observation of capillary and mucosal structures.
  • Generous Channel: The 2.8 mm diameter channel accommodates a wide range of endoscopic devices.
Channel Width
2.8 mm
Working Length
103 cm
Field of View
Direction of View
Depth of Field
2 - 100 mm
Outer Diameter
9.8 mm
Outer Diameter Insertion Tube
9.8 mm
Max Angulation Up
Max Angulation Down
Max Angulation Right
Max Angulation Left