Olympus GIF-HQ190 EVIS EXERA III Gastroscope

The Olympus GIF-HQ190 EVIS EXERA III Gastroscope (H: high definition, Q: full screen) is in excellent condition and certified to proper operating specifications.

Warranty: 90 Days Parts and Labor.

The GIF-HQ190 Gastroscope is a versatile workhorse scope that includes an array of advanced features to support both upper and intra-operative endoscopy. The scope’s improved image quality results from increased resolving power, which is achieved with significantly less halation and noise, and dual focus functionality delivers the optimal depth of field at the touch of a button. For further efficiency, a new connector design minimizes the effort required for setup prior to and in between cases and eliminates the need for a water-resistant cap.

Olympus GIF-HQ190 EVIS EXERA III Gastroscope Benefits:

  • State of the Art Design: Loaded with advanced technologies, the GIF-HQ190 raises the bar for routine gastroscopes.
  • Brighter, more Powerful Imaging: Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) now delivers significantly increased brightness, providing twice the viewable distance compared to earlier scope models.
  • Optimal Depth of Field at the Touch of a Button: Dual focus, an Olympus optical innovation, allows the user to select between 2 focus settings to achieve the desired depth of field for optimal observation.
  • Easier Setup: A new waterproof connector design minimizes the effort required for setup prior to and in between cases and eliminates the need for a water-resistant cap.
Channel Width
2.8 mm
Working Length
1030 cm
Field of View
Direction of View
Forward viewing
Depth of Field
Normal 5 - 100 mm, Near 2 - 6 mm
Outer Diameter
9.9 mm
Outer Diameter Insertion Tube
9.9 mm
Max Angulation Up
Max Angulation Down
Max Angulation Right
Max Angulation Left